Thank you all so much for your excitement about our third pregnancy! One of the greatest blessings of announcing early is that you have tons of cheerleaders rooting for you when you're in the
pits of despair first trimester of puke-ville
;) I'll be blogging regularly about this pregnancy and related topics on
The Baby Bump Blog so check it out if you're interested! And now, without further adieu, this week's mélange:
- Basically all food and certainly coffee are gross to me right now (hello, aversions to E V E R Y T H I N G) but I couldn't help myself from pinning this delicious latte idea. I'll try it in a couple months!
- Great resources for how to talk to your kids about race that anyone should read. Especially city parents or those living in highly-diverse areas.
- For the locals, this Montreal photo blog is so gorgeous and I love how she recently posted about our old hood, St-Henri! Brad and I will definitely be trying either the brunch or tapas spot for a date night in the future when I get my love for food back!
- This blog inspires me. Adopting a child with special needs plus having a big family and not being richy rich. People, it's possible. What a family!
- I got really excited for the day that my kids and I could have frank
discussions about the Bible and God and, well, anything, when I read this post. Love her parenting, love her style.
- Organizing your books by colour is already something I'm a fan of, but Brad hated that there was no theme by topic. This blog did both and it looks SO good.

- Not to be a broken record, but I really like Rhonda's blog. Check out her and her husband's thoughts on not allowing, then allowing, their kids to use Facebook and why. Pssst: did you know it's illegal to let your kids use it under age 13!?
- This post sums it ALL up. Why we are happy living in the city (the big, bad city!), why we're not worried about putting our kids in daycare, why we're going to put them in public school. Everything. What a great read.
- Some are surprised to learn that most Christians donate 10% of their gross income to charity or "the work of the Lord". I loved this post about why 10% is by no means the amount we must give - it may be 2% or 75%, it all depends!
- I want to eat these so badly.
Aw, thanks for the blog love, Em! xo