
6 months in...

This is long over due! Can you tell the pregnancy is getting the best of me? I haven't blogged much this month and that's probably the biggest reason, but I do want to talk a bit about Lily's 6th month before it's too late!

Lily started eating solids like a pro and has enjoyed new flavours and textures all month. A huge relief for me too because it seemed like an up-hill battle for the first bit. Lily's totally got the hang of being a baby and we're having a blast as her parents. Her new favourite this month is her jolly jumper and the exersaucer that we call "her office". Her eyes seem to be getting bluer and bluer and her hair is still white and fluffy, growing upwards like a full-head mohawk!

Lily was dedicated at church this month which was a really important event for our family - dedicating our daughter to the Lord, committing before our church to pray for her and lead her in Christian values and the truth, and for our church to join us and commit to supporting us and her.  Another fun first was swimming with Lily. We only hit the poll a few times this month, but I can't wait to take her more when the weather is a bit nicer. So far she loves water and her giraffe bathing suite :)

We found out we were pregnant with our second baby this month and that made us really nostalgic with Lilypie. Thoughts that she's now an older sister, she could be our first and last baby girl, and that her infant days are rapidly passing are swirling around our minds. For now, we're enjoying her mild demeanor, especially with mom wanting to sleep a lot more than usual and having such less energy!

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