Hi, friends! I’m Rhonda and I blog over at Never Static. I’m married to
my favourite person in the world, who also happens to be a creative just like
me. This means we’re not the most organized bunch, but we make up for it in
passion! We love what we do, and how we choose to spend our days, that’s for
sure! My husband works in the film industry and is MIA for most of the week, so
I spend my days juggling work and hanging out with my next favourite humans -
our three teenaged boys.

I’m so excited to share a day in our life! I’ve been on Em’s blog
before so it was fun to go back and read the first time I did this and see how
things have changed and kids have grown.

It’s summertime so things are a little different around our home. I
tried to wait for a normal day to document but then I realized that there was
no such thing right now. Normal is such an elusive word, no? My oldest boy is
currently working full-time so we’re missing having him around and my middle
boy is off in Ireland for a missions trip for a month so our nest is feeling a
bit empty, which is so strange. It’s a new stage of life and while I may not
have embraced it wholeheartedly to begin with, I’m learning that loosening our
grip on our children and transitioning to new stages gracefully takes work but
is so good!

I start each day exactly the same.
With Jesus. I wake up, make myself an Americano and open up my bible.
This sets the tone for every moment of my day and causes my gaze to be fixed on
the most important thing. When I begin here I know that I can take on whatever
it is that the next hours hold, not through my strength but His.
I work from home as editor and online content manager for FamilyLife
Canada. I love this organization and that I get to be a part of the work they
do. Because it’s summer, I wake early and try to get most of my work done
before the boys are even up. That way, we can spend these long summer days
enjoying each other! After my work is
done, we take care of a few things around the house. I have an addiction to
fresh flowers in my home and so we head out to the garden and see what there is
to pick today.

By now our tummies are rumbling and so we throw together a simple
lunch. We don’t complicate our food in the summer. Usually a salad thrown
together with lettuce from the garden and some local fruit tossed in. We made
the most amazing and healthy dressing today.
It will definitely be a new staple around our home. You can find the
recipe here!

I find when I’m in the kitchen, my boys generally are too. They sit
atop counters and tables and just chat. I love this because when hands are busy
and working, it’s so easy to connect. Plus, I always get a bit of help. I want
my boys to know how to cook well when they move out so we started that process
long ago. My oldest can now make great meals and the others are well on their
way. At least I know when they move out they won’t just be eating mac and

After lunch, we head off for some summer adventure. For our family this
almost always involves water. We’re so lucky to live near so many great rivers
and lakes, but today we take it to the ocean for a bit of skim boarding!

An afternoon spent in sand and water is our favourite. The boys play
and try new stunts on their boards (today they got a random dog to skim
board!). I read and let the sun soak into my skin while the birds fly overhead
and we hear the sound of waves in the distance. It really is our perfect. No
matter what sort of day we’ve had or what kind of mood we might be in, we get
to the ocean and nothing else really seems to matter. We breathe deep and the
calm seeps into our bones.
Once we’re home we hydrate well! Some days it’s mint water, or
raspberry water. Today just happens to be cucumber. I love the variety it adds
and how refreshing it is on a summer day!

Our days are full as we focus much of our time on relationships. Whether
it’s within our family group or including the multitude of friends that make
their way into our home each week, we believe that people and relationship are
a few of the most important things in life. At the end of our days, we don’t
want it to be about our work or our stuff but about the times spent laughing,
crying, building into and sharing life with other people.
We’re so thankful for our extraordinarily designed life! Thanks for sharing our day with us!
Thanks for coming again, Rhonda!
Instagram - @_rhondafast_
Blog - Never Static
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