Time seems to be passing extra quickly now that we've got one kiddo in school, and I find myself forgetting things I swore I'd remember easily. I don't have a diary, but I do have a blog, so here goes.
Lily has learned to tie her shoes and is speaking French freely. She loves writing and desperately wants to learn to read. She recently made dog tags for all of her stuffies and wrote their names so carefully. She's starting to really love one-on-one time with Brad or I so we've been more intentional about it. On Brad's day off he gets her for lunch and the two of them will have a picnic, or when I'm reading my bible in the early morning she'll join me in the living room since she wakes first. She'll often cry when I read a particularly moving story or we play a Christian song that emphasizes the gospel. I love her tender heart and pray it always stays this way.
Oli is obsessed with Lego! It's all he wants to do every day. I have to talk him into other activities with the promise of Lego afterwards. He's incredible at details and following the instructions. I love seeing him become a big brother. For the longest time Lily was the definite oldest/leader of the pack but now Oli is a leader in his own right and takes special care of the younger kids at his play school. There's one little girl at his play school who is the same age as Chloe and he told his teachers that he would protect her because she is just like his little sister. HOW can a mom digest this!?
Chloé loves penguins! Brad brought her back a small stuffed penguin from a random airport kiosk earlier this year and she's never been the same since! We take out penguin books from the library and watch Puffin Rock on Netflix. My sister gave her a penguin stuffy for her birthday named Percy and she recently made him a leash. It's the sweetest! She's still not saying full words, and seems to be taking after her big sister in being a late talker. This time around, though, we're not worried at all and are just enjoying the longer period before back talk begins ;)
Once again we're planning to be in Montreal for Christmas. Partly due to the challenges of traveling with little ones (two sets of our parents live 7-8 hours away by car), as well as Brad's limited time off during the holidays (we used it all up this summer). I'm also planning a couple of trips to my hometown in the new year with my sister expecting her first baby (a girl!!) so we're starting to make arrangements for what December will look like with family visiting and continuing with our own traditions.
Brad and I have had a really intense work month with national news doing a story on our church, which became several stories across several news outlets. December is promising to be much more laid back and I'm not mad about it!
Lily has learned to tie her shoes and is speaking French freely. She loves writing and desperately wants to learn to read. She recently made dog tags for all of her stuffies and wrote their names so carefully. She's starting to really love one-on-one time with Brad or I so we've been more intentional about it. On Brad's day off he gets her for lunch and the two of them will have a picnic, or when I'm reading my bible in the early morning she'll join me in the living room since she wakes first. She'll often cry when I read a particularly moving story or we play a Christian song that emphasizes the gospel. I love her tender heart and pray it always stays this way.

Oli is obsessed with Lego! It's all he wants to do every day. I have to talk him into other activities with the promise of Lego afterwards. He's incredible at details and following the instructions. I love seeing him become a big brother. For the longest time Lily was the definite oldest/leader of the pack but now Oli is a leader in his own right and takes special care of the younger kids at his play school. There's one little girl at his play school who is the same age as Chloe and he told his teachers that he would protect her because she is just like his little sister. HOW can a mom digest this!?
Chloé loves penguins! Brad brought her back a small stuffed penguin from a random airport kiosk earlier this year and she's never been the same since! We take out penguin books from the library and watch Puffin Rock on Netflix. My sister gave her a penguin stuffy for her birthday named Percy and she recently made him a leash. It's the sweetest! She's still not saying full words, and seems to be taking after her big sister in being a late talker. This time around, though, we're not worried at all and are just enjoying the longer period before back talk begins ;)
Brad and I have had a really intense work month with national news doing a story on our church, which became several stories across several news outlets. December is promising to be much more laid back and I'm not mad about it!
Kids are so cute! Each one is precious and different. Great souvenirs!