

Here are some of my favourite reads from the week, to kick off your weekend right! My mom's arriving late tonight and staying through Sunday. I can't wait to have the extra help around the house and her company. What are your weekend plans? Hope it involves enjoying the weather! xo
  • after the annoying guilt-ridden post pleading with Moms to never use their iPhone's in front of their children that recently circulated the Interwebs, this post defending and validating moms using technology and having an online presence was a JOY to read, and so realistic for our day.
  • This week it seems mental illness and the Church has been a hot topic. Famously, megachurch pastor Rick Warren lost his son to depression, and locally our denomination lost the wife of a fellow church planter. After our tears are dried (which will take a very long time), it's important the church evaluates how we approach mental illness and depression. Ed Stetzer has some brilliant insights I support in the wake of these losses.
  • Gender reveal parties, have you heard of 'em? It's 2013, of course you have. I've been to one and it was super fun, though the couple already knew the sex (only the guests didn't) so it wasn't as much a surprise as this party and these pictures, which have me enraptured. I can't get over their faces! Sidenote: I could never do it! I need time to process the gender, so I'd be most comfortable doing that quietly with Brad before telling the world. But it does look fun :)
  • Oli is in a bit of a whiny stage. Teething, probably, or his nagging cold. But either way, this blog almost made me pee my pants in laughter. And also that awesome feeling that someone else ACTUALLY GETS IT (everything you're experiencing).
  • Make your own chips? I'm in! I already make my own tortilla chips (the best with guacamole!) but for every day chips, I love this idea of using root vegetables.
  • Shrimp and grits cocktail!? Oh my. I need to make this, minus the cheese.


  1. Ugh. That "get off your iPhone" thing that was circulating made me feel so upset! Yes, I watch my kid. I also operate a business. I wanted to write the author and ask her HOW IN THE WORLD SHE HAD THE CHANCE TO WRITE THAT. HER KID MUST HAVE BEEN SO NEGLECTED AT THE TIME.


    1. i just found it unrealistic too. like she was saying "hey mom, your daughter is twirling in the sun and you're checking e-mail, YOURE MISSING IT" and I was just thinking "hey, mama, my daughter twirls everywhere, all day, I get it 99% of the time and 1% of the time I take a "me break" THAT OK?"
