Sometimes there are seasons where I just can't get ahead. Anyone else? Lately it seems that way. Before Japan we were racing to finish work and organize for three weeks abroad, so life was hectic, but we were on top of it. And then three weeks away happened, which was amazing, but adjusting home was very difficult. For a solid week after arriving home from Japan we were so jet lagged that we could barely function. For a few mornings the kids and I were awake from 1:30am onward, FOR THE WHOLE DAY. But life goes on, and there was absolutely zero time to rest after already taking three weeks off. If this sounds like a First World Problem, please know that I am cautious of that and deeply grateful for the opportunities we've had to travel. I'm just saying this has been a very busy season for us, especially adjusting back to North American culture and Montreal-time. We've all had those seasons - a new baby, a lost job, a crazy semester, an illness, an urgent family need, even times of blessing can bring chaos. The month of June has been full of blessing but also it's been very tight and my margin was waning. Even though the timing was terrible, I also went to TGCW18 (The Gospel Coalition Women's Conference) for four days last week (more on that later), meaning Brad was solo parenting during a week where his workload was already doubled. Laundry piles were climbing, the to-do list was never-ending, our kid's needs were mounting, and our spare hours were given to ministry and catching up on work. There are always those seasons, amiright?
Before leaving for TGCW, I did myself a huge favour and ordered Cook It for the first time, and set it to arrive the day after I arrived home. I received a $40 off coupon in a flyer that was handed out at my metro station and figured it was worth a try. Meal subscription boxes are all the rage right now and for good reason - people are so busy, but take-out loses it's appeal fast. Take-out is expensive and usually unhealthy and frankly, it gets old eating out of cartons. A home cooked meal is usually just what everyone desires most, but where to find the time for meal planning and ingredient hunting? In most seasons I find cooking a pleasure but in the month of June, it was a huge burden, so the timing was perfect to give Cook It a try. This is not sponsored in any way, but hear me: it was amazing. The food was incredible, the ingredients are all sourced locally from some of Quebec's best markets and suppliers, and the meals were filling and interesting.
Cook It has a refer a friend program, and it's a way better deal than I got as I tried it out. I'm so excited to share with you so maybe you can treat yourself in the next tight season. These subscription boxes aren't typically something I can justify financially (there's a price for convenience after all), though I strongly suggest them for families with larger budgets than ours, but with the coupon code I used (and especially with the one I'll be sharing with you!), it was a great deal!
With this discount code, you'll get 50% off your first TWO orders. Example: Brad and I ordered three meals for two adults. So six individual meals. With this discount, that would cost $32.50, or $5 per person, per meal. These are meals with steak and chicken and seafood though there are vegetarian options too (we just like to make sure we're getting the most bang for our buck, so we always order meat with ours!).
So for $32.50, you'll get to choose three awesome recipes and everything you need to make it happen will be delivered to your door. Recipe, instructions, fresh ingredients. If you order a more expensive meal plan (say, for more people, or more meals), it's an even larger savings because it's 50% off the total cost of your first two orders.
This is Quebec-only for now, but they hope to expand to Ontario. For now, Quebec friends, check out Cook It. It's been a crazy season for us and I was so thankful to take advantage of this offer. Our kids are finishing school this week and then slower times lay ahead. We are ready for lazy summer days, a lighter schedule, and more normal. I'm excited to get creative in my kitchen on my own terms again, too. But for now, Cook It to the rescue!

Before leaving for TGCW, I did myself a huge favour and ordered Cook It for the first time, and set it to arrive the day after I arrived home. I received a $40 off coupon in a flyer that was handed out at my metro station and figured it was worth a try. Meal subscription boxes are all the rage right now and for good reason - people are so busy, but take-out loses it's appeal fast. Take-out is expensive and usually unhealthy and frankly, it gets old eating out of cartons. A home cooked meal is usually just what everyone desires most, but where to find the time for meal planning and ingredient hunting? In most seasons I find cooking a pleasure but in the month of June, it was a huge burden, so the timing was perfect to give Cook It a try. This is not sponsored in any way, but hear me: it was amazing. The food was incredible, the ingredients are all sourced locally from some of Quebec's best markets and suppliers, and the meals were filling and interesting.

Cook It has a refer a friend program, and it's a way better deal than I got as I tried it out. I'm so excited to share with you so maybe you can treat yourself in the next tight season. These subscription boxes aren't typically something I can justify financially (there's a price for convenience after all), though I strongly suggest them for families with larger budgets than ours, but with the coupon code I used (and especially with the one I'll be sharing with you!), it was a great deal!
With this discount code, you'll get 50% off your first TWO orders. Example: Brad and I ordered three meals for two adults. So six individual meals. With this discount, that would cost $32.50, or $5 per person, per meal. These are meals with steak and chicken and seafood though there are vegetarian options too (we just like to make sure we're getting the most bang for our buck, so we always order meat with ours!).

So for $32.50, you'll get to choose three awesome recipes and everything you need to make it happen will be delivered to your door. Recipe, instructions, fresh ingredients. If you order a more expensive meal plan (say, for more people, or more meals), it's an even larger savings because it's 50% off the total cost of your first two orders.
This is Quebec-only for now, but they hope to expand to Ontario. For now, Quebec friends, check out Cook It. It's been a crazy season for us and I was so thankful to take advantage of this offer. Our kids are finishing school this week and then slower times lay ahead. We are ready for lazy summer days, a lighter schedule, and more normal. I'm excited to get creative in my kitchen on my own terms again, too. But for now, Cook It to the rescue!
**This post is not sponsored, though with the refer a friend
program, I will receive a gifted discount on my next order.
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