I am a stay at home mom to four beautiful ragamuffins, wife to a
rough around the edges, hard working man and a photographer. My days are
spent raising and loving the 'big girls', Halle (6), Hannah (2, almost
3) and 'the twins' Thea and Beau (recently 1).
If only that was all I had to do! I also am the taxi driver, house
keeper, cook, business owner, farm hand, you get the idea. We
love raising our kids and living on a hobby farm on the Alberta,
Canadian prairies. You will usually find us outside playing in
the dirt, picking flowers, rolling in the snow and me trailing behind,
holding babies with a camera slung around my neck.
Through this mothering journey I try to absorb every ounce of the small stuff. I use my camera to hold on to moments and memories. Photography is my voice. Photos are my love language. While I love to capture my own moments with my own children, I am working my butt off to build a small business, so I can capture the small details, the emotion, connection and love, but most importantly these sweet fleeting moments for others too.
Thank you for taking the moments to take a glimpse into our world, our day, our farm.
This is our Sunday.

Dad was home (hooray!) and I would say it was a pretty typical, winter weekend day. It started out with breakfast; cereal on days dad is at work early, but always, always bacon, eggs and toast on the days Dad is home. Coffee for Dad and a big matcha latte for Mom. I can function without one, just not very well. In the mornings my big girls love to choose their own clothes and dresses are always a favourite. The least favourite of the morning activities include brushing hair and teeth.

First thing before the fun, comes the work. We bundle up all the kids and set out to do the farm chores. I can feel the bitter cold on my finger tips underneath my gloves, but the kids don't seem to mind. Halle can be found jumping ten feet down off hay bales. Hannah rolling in the snow. Thea and Beau crawling after both of them. I'm usually taking photos and Dad is doing the work. On our hobby farm we have two horses, five pigs, one with five new piglets, and approximately thirty goats, many of them that will have babies this March. Chores can take a couple hours.

Luckily, the twins get fussy and I take them inside for a morning nap. This means time for a quick hour of work on the computer while the big girls continue to play outside and another matcha latte.

Once the bigger girls get cold and come inside, the twins wake up and we have snack and play. Princess dresses and books. Fairy wings and trucks. And laundry. I also fit laundry in there. There is always laundry.

On this particular Sunday we ate lunch and went to town. We picked up a new DVD player as we've been without one for a year now and took advantage of a heated shop and washed my minivan. Babies slept in the van, big girls played, Mom took photos and Dad did the work. I'm sensing a theme here... Sorry honey! I dreaded the day I would drive a mini van and when we found out we were having twins that day come sooner than later. The convenience of it, I can't complain about. However, one day, when they are all grown, I will go back to my pick up truck.

We head home. Set up the DVD player and watch a movie with supper in our laps. A real treat. A typical, beautiful Sunday.

Thank you for this, Jenna!
Instagram: @j_hobbs + @hobbs_photo
Webpage: www.hobbsphotography.
I am the new girl