

Life is getting busier and busier with two kids in school (how does that make sense? I don't know, but it does!) and I've had way less time for blog browsing. Nowadays I scroll through my feedly in about ten minutes flat and mostly save the posts that interest me for some magical moment when I'll be able to read them. The other night was one such moment! Below are the highlights of things that made me hum, haw, act and feel this week:

  • I've re-listened to this podcast with Jami Nato three times. She talks about her husband's affair and the ransacking it did on her soul and how Jesus is our truer and better husband. I laughed a lot and cried a bit. Listen to it. 
  • J.R.R Tolkien gives sage sex advice to his son.
  • I totally relate to Alison's challenges and I love her advice here
  • My book club finally met (after months of trying!) to discuss The Nest. None of us loved it, but it lead us to some great discussions about our parents, reacting to our upbringings, sibling dynamics, etc. Next we're diving into Jane Austen, which I've never read, but I think these are books I'll be glad to have years from now, so I'll probably buy my copy this time. These beauties are 35% off, but still a lot.

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