
7 Months in...

Of course, as usual, about 1 month behind seems the new normal! Lily turns 8 months in a few days (and I'm determined to actually post near that date of her 8th month!) so I need to get my behind in gear and talk about her 7th...

It seemed the 7th month was a month of waiting. She was on the cusp of just about every milestone a baby can be at - her first tooth, crawling, sitting by herself, you name it. We went to sleep most nights sure she's wake with a tooth, and it never happened. Every tummy-time we half expected to see her crawl her way off her mat, and it never happened. and every time she was propped up against a pillow we wouldnt have been surprised if she sat independently, and it never happened. Which was fine of course, we're in no rush for our baby to grow up! We just couldn't help but wonder when these things would happen since she seemed to be, like I said, forever on the cusp.

One highlight for me was finding Lily a new pediatrician. Oh thank you so much for your prayers, for those who knew of our predicament! We were at a semi-private place that we LOATHED. Unfortunately at Lily's birth no local pediatricians were taking patients and the local CLSC doctor was too full of patients. So it seemed our only option. But we quickly noticed that when you have to pay a $10 fee for each visit, they seem to have no problem cutting appointments short or rushing through them, not to mention suggesting you come back frequently, when it seemed unnecessary. Meanwhile, the wait times were up to an hour per appointment, and the automated phone system would drive any sane person crazy. One woman I talked to in the waiting room said she called on a Monday (they assure they'll call you back within 24-48 hours) and didn't hear until the Friday about when she could come in, meaning she couldn't be seen until the next week! As luck would have it (or providence), my local CLSC called me, knowing I'd called before asking for a pediatrician, and invited me to have first dibs on their new family doctor. I asked if I could see him immediately (Lily was due her 6 month check up, a few weeks late) and they booked me for the very next day. I waited five minutes before seeing one of the most attentive and thorough doctors I'd ever met. He continued to ask me if I had any questions stating "I don't want you to have to come back tomorrow if you've forgotten, so do think if you want to ask me anything" - hilariously opposite from our experience at Tiny Tots! He also insisted that he personally look over Lily's ecographie from her 3 day-old heart murmur. Though the Children's Hospital has said it's nothing to worry about he said "I'll sleep better knowing I personally checked it too". I think I skipped home that day :)

We also started referring to Lily as the Big Sister this month which is weird and fun and exciting all at once. On the one hand, she's our baby. Shes too young to have the responsibility of being a big sister. What life experience can she offer? Isn't it too much to assume anything of a baby? On the other hand it's completely thrilling. Lily has been a joy and we can't wait to add to our family. It's exciting to think about her and another little one. How she'll react, what role she will take on, etc. And then on the other (yes, in my analogy I have 3 hands), it's bitter sweet. Our time as a family of three will be short. The sentiment comes out when we think about it not just being Lily and us again, though it's not negative. Just a season that was short and sweet coming to an end...

So that was her 7th month in a nutshell. In a few days you'll hear about the 8th, and that's rather fitting, because the months do seem like days right now. Whizzing past us all too quickly. Adding up before our eyes.

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